
Location Los Angeles, CA

Client Swinerton Builders

Scope 19-Story

Architect Axis GFA

Engineer DCI Engineers

The Weingart Tower project is a 100% publicly funded affordable housing project aimed at providing relief for some of Los Angeles’ unhoused. The 19-story tower consists of 278 fully furnished residential apartment units. The tower also provides additional resources including on-site counseling offices and a commercial kitchen for food service. Swinerton was the GC on this project and really appreciated the increased job site efficiency achieved with RediStair® by providing access to the live deck during construction. Spencer Schmidt, a Superintendent with Swinerton commented “Having access [to the live deck] on a tower is key. When pouring in place, we have a ton of logistic issues for access and this does impact the schedule”

Swinerton was also impressed with the minimal punch list work required for RediStair® compared to CIP stair installations. Project Manager, Michael Tomey commented, “There were zero ADA/Punchlist items noted for correction during the final inspection of RediStair® which is unheard of for CIP!”


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